10 Do's and Don'ts of Motorcycle Riding in the Rain

Mar. 30 2019 Miscellaneous By Stuart McMillian

1)  Wear a rain suit.  Don't risk getting wet.

2)  Have a passenger hold an umbrella while you ride.

3)  Mount an umbrella to your bike.  

4)  Mount a sun shade, meant for a tractor, onto your bike.

5)  Don't do stuff Dan Farley might do.

6)  Avoid lakes in the road.  

7)  Get as many people as you can on your bike.

8)  Ride in a homemade sidecar with a plastic bag over your head.

9)  Wear these.  No one will make fun of you.

10)  Last but not least... just say no.  Don't ride in the rain.  Stay home and read a book by the fireplace with your wife and child near by.

Well, as if you couldn't tell, this list was a bit of a joke but riding in the rain is no joke.  If you want serious tips for riding while in the rain, here's a list I found from an article on Twist and Turns.

  1. Don’t trust puddles. 
  2. Avoid shiny-smooth surfaces.
  3. Keep your cool.
  4. Do one thing at a time. 
  5. Loosen up.
  6. Rainbows are not your friend. 
  7. Give yourself time and space. 
  8. Find a dry line. 
  9. Dry gear isn’t enough. 
  10. Orange is the new clear. 
  11. Consider wearing goggles. 
  12. Be handy with gloves. 
  13. Stand up for yourself. 
  14. Gore-Tex socks are the best thing ever. 
  15. Ziploc everything you care about.

It's all explained here by Twist and Turns.  Have a great day and be safe when riding in the rain!